tirsdag 1. desember 2009
Life according to me
Nope, I have not been recruted by a mysterious sect that have taken me away from all things creative. I have just discovered that 2 children, one of them a 3 m old baby, really takes a lot out of you. Some of my friends and family thinks the baby cries way to loud when he is angry. But I tried to tell the hospital that my babys "mute" and "volume" control was broken, but they refused to think that this was their problem. So here I am with a baby that has no respect for the accepted sound levels and a four year old that thinks he can manage everything himself.... Oh, well. That's life, right?
Men jeg har fått scrappet noen LO'er:
I have scrapped a few LOs though:
Title: Brothers
Stiched No. 1 white by Anna Aspnes
Counting Trash Alpha by Katie Pertiet
Scripted overlay by Katie Pertiet
Botanist Notebook No 21 by Katie Pertiet
Vintage Photo Frames Large by Katie Pertiet
Spot Dots Brush-n-Stamps by Katie Pertiet
Stample Pair by Katie Pertiet
Defining flowers by Jen Wilson
Hope paper swirl by A Rockwell
Absolutely Acrylic Clockworks by Pattie Knox
Revealing Overlays No 1 by Katie Pertiet
Basement Frames by Lynn Grieveson
Worn photo edges by Lynn Grieveson
Naturally Krafty No 7 by Katie Pertiet
Sidelined Paper Pack by Lynn Grieveson
Chipboard Bytes Bare Tagboard Alpha by Pattie Knox
Dirty Journal Label by Katie Pertiet
torsdag 16. juli 2009
Wow! Her har jeg vært fraværende en stund...
I have not been here for a while, and I apologize. This is due to a passing condition that usually passes by itself after 9 months :). But sadly, this time around I have had more problems than the last time, and my creaticity has suffered during this period of time. But I have made a few Christmas cards - neever too early to prepare for the Christmas card rush!!
Et typisk meg kort!!! Bladgull, perfect pearls, mica og artsy motiv. Og dessverre et veldig dårlig bilde. Skal legge ut et bedre når scanneren min blir koblet til igjen.
This is a "me" card - gold leaf flakes, perfect pearls, mica and a slightly artsy motif. But the picture is not very good.... I need my beloved scanner back!
Dette kortet var mer en test - kan man blande et så srtsy moti med bladull og hjemmelaget bakgrunn i rødtoner og gull? Jeg har ikke helt bestemt meg.
This was more a test card- I needed to see if I could use an artsy motif like this with gold leafs and a homemade background in reds and gold.
Bildet gir ikke et godt inntrykk, men her har jeg virkelig kost meg med alkoholblekk på acetat. Diecuts har blitt dabbet med pearl akrylmaling.
I had a lot of fun here with alcohol ink and acetat. The diecuts has been dabbed with Pearl dabber from Ranger.
These two are a much cuter than I usually make, but my experience is that a lot of recipients clearly prefer the cuter Christmas cards. So I make a few of those as well....
fredag 9. januar 2009
Playing with gesso
Here's my card made to the Wednesday Stamper Challange. I made the background using newspaper, gesso and ink, and that's a really fun technique to do. I think you will see more from me with that technique!
The Dymo text reads: Winter Joy.
Noe nytt fra meg
Utrolig!!! Tiden løper og hodet mitt står stille. Jeg surrer som en gås i en karusell og henger ikke med på noen ting.
Jeg fungerer på halv maskin, men det er jo ikke mye.... Men det kommer innimellom noe jeg lager. Innimellom. Denne, for eksempel, er et resultat av lek med voks på lerret. Jeg klarte ikke slutte i tide, så her er det lag på lag på lag med papirer og collage materialer. Men jeg synes den ble litt kul til slutt.
Unbelivable! Time flies like an arrow, and my head seems to be the target. I can't get anything done and the few things I do I usually get wrong. I need to reboot my brain...
This is a wax collage on canvas where I kept adding more and more stuff until it had several layers of stamps, collage paper, book pages and more.
onsdag 17. desember 2008
This weeks contribution to the Artsy Challang blog
The challange on the Artsy blog was: Make a tag or a card inspired by Tim Holtz. This is my tag:
This was one of these "play around and see what you get" - projects. I had a totally different plan, but after 1 1/2 hour searching for my heat gun without any luck, I just had to change my plan to something I could do without my heat gun. I have now realized that I need at least one extra heat gun. Oh well, being artsy by playing around with whatever you can find is at least more challenges, and I just love a challenge!!!!
I started this project by collaging different papers on my tag. As you can see, the papers and the tag itself has been distressed with a paper distresser (if you want just one thing this year - buy this. Seriously. Check out Tim Holtz' Blog for more ideas) and then colored with the edges with distress ink. When all the papers had been glued down, I cut out a rectangle from ordinary copy paper and used this as a mask , and sponged red and brown ink all around the rectangle.
OK. I suddenly decided that this was not enough. Maybe I should have stopped there, but no. I needed more!! So I stamped the Tim Holtz swirl from the new stamp set Reindeer Flight all over the tag with red and brown Distress ink.
The snowflake on the top of the tag was painted in several layers with dabbers in white and light blue. Then I distressed it with the tonic scratcher, and added several layers of brown ink. Then I wiped of the excess ink and added more white paint with my dabber. Cool! The bottom snowflake has just gotten a few coats of white ink from my dabber and stickles glitter glue on top to make it shine. The ribbon was stippled with brown Distress ink and then fastened with a brad and holly leaves from Making Memories.
Denne gangen måtte jeg være litt mer kreativ enn vanlig. Jeg mistet nemlig varmepistolen min, og Tim Holtz bruker denne påfallende ofte. Så hele planen min falt sammen, og jeg måtte tenke helt nytt.
Jeg har brukt masser av papirer, papp og blekk for bakgrunnen. Papirbitene har blirr distressed med en paper distresser og fått en omgang blekk langs kanten før de har blitt limt på tag'en. Deretter har jeg klippet ut et rektangel i vanlig kopipapir og brukt det som en maske på tag'en. Jeg har svampet rundt rektangelet med brunt og rødt Distress blekk. Seretter har jeg stemplet swirlen til Tim Holtz nye juleplate i rødt og brunt blekk over hele tag'en.
Snøkrystallen øverst er laget med flere lag dabbere i hvitt og lyseblått. Så er det skrapet over overfalen, og kladdet på blekk i bruntoner. Deretter har jeg tørket av overfløig blekk. Og til slutt har jeg tatt på bittelittegranne hvit dabber oppå igjen. Den nederte snøkrystallen er farget med hvit dabber og lagt på et lag med stickles. Båndet er stiplet med brunt blekk og festet i tag'en med en brad og holly blader fra Making memories.
onsdag 10. desember 2008
My first challange on the on the new Artsy challange blog
Bakgrunnen er laget med akrylmaling i rødt, brunt og antikkgull som er spredt over siden med et kredittkort. Deretter er hullbånd lagt over og malingen er svampet på gjennom hullene her og der for å lage struktur. Dabber i terracotta er brukt til å dra lett over her og der for svake striper i papiret. La tørke. Stemple opp motivet på acetat med Staz On.
Påfør dobbeltsidig limark over motivet og gni godt. Klipp til motivet og klipp ut noen av rutene fra stempelet. Dra av beskyttelsespapiret og påfør perfect pearls her og der på detaljer på motivet. Kant med Krylon i Red Gold. Lim arket på bakgrunnen. Lim to av de utklippede motivene på bakgrunnen. Fest litt Gossamer paper på kortet mellom en Mica sirkel. Bruk Glossy Accent og lim noen micaflak oppå sirkelen, lim deretter en halv rund micabit over disse igjen. Stemple opp teksten og emboss med gull på brunt panel. Klipp opp ordene og lim på kortet som vist. Bakgrunnen festes på et brunt kort.
I made the background with red, brown and antique gold acrylic paint. I spread it out on my background paper using an old credit card. I used punchinella over the background and sponged more paint through the holes on the paper to make a bit of pattern and structure. I used a dabber in terracotta and pulled it here and there to make very faint stripes over the background. Let dry. Stamp the motif on acetat using Staz On. Add a double sided sheet of tape over the stamped image. Cut out the motif and cut out some of the squares from the motif. Pull of the backing liner and add perfect pearls here and there on some of the details on the motif. Add Krylon Red Gold around the edges. Glue the motif and two of the cut out squares on the background. Glue mica and gossamer paper as shown. Emboss the saying with gold on brown paper. Cut out the words and glue them to the card as shown. Glue the background to a brown card.
onsdag 3. desember 2008
Nye kort
Finally, a few cards from me again!
Først noen metallkort - alltid morsomt. Og på det blå brune kortet har jeg brukt et barnebilde tatt av min farfar!! Fant det i et gammelt, gammelt album, farget det og brukte det på kortet. Synes det ble ganske bra!
First card - I worked with aluminum metal, a technique I really love. The picture is actually one of my grandfather as a child. I found it in an old family album and scanned, colored and printed it to use on this project. The metal is colored with Staz On and alcohol inks. Thought it turned out rather nice!
Det neste her er også metall - i gullfarge denne gangen. Jeg farget det mønstrede metallet rundt hjertet med alkoholblekk og påførte maling etterpå. Når jeg tørket av, så jeg til min glede at endel av blekket forsvant samtidig! Det ble en kul effekt. Hjertet er "puffet" opp og jeg har brukt sparkel bak for at det skal holde seg oppe.
The next card here is also metal, gold colored this time. When I was done with the pattern around the heart, I colored it with alcohol inks. And then I put on acrylic paint, and when I dried this of again, I saw that some of the alcohol ink actually rubbed off! I think that wfect was rather cool. The heart is "puffed" up and I have used spackel to keep it from beeing pushed down again.
Dette kortet var lek med alkoholblekk. Planen var å bruke endel alkoholblekk på forskjellig måter. Det ble ikke så veldig mye forskjellig, men jeg fikk lekt med å bruke mange farger på hvit glossy, farget store brads med alkoholblekk og tekstpanelet er rød glossy med flere farger og metallic.
This card was made up while playing with my alcohol inks (yep - you guessed it - I love my alcohol inks!). I used white glossy for the many-colored panel, red glossy with inks on the word panel and alcohol inks in each of the brads on the side.
Og siste kortet var et kort var et eksperiment med sprø bakgrunn, perefect pearls på glossy og lek! Med andre ord - skikkelig moro å leke me. Selv om fargene er litt annerledes enn det jeg vanligvis lager.
This last card was an experiment with paints, perfect pearls and colors. Not sure about the color part, but always fun to experiment, right?